目前分類:兄弟姊妹話家常 (11)

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前幾天的髮型   因為瀏海太長索性夾在頭頂中間


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  9.The job requires its applicants to be literate in English

     and be              with several computer software

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8. If revenge is so sweet that people crave it like candy,

    then what chance do societies have of rising above it?

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5. Students around the world are demanding              

    to higher education. But it is not always easy

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3. The new president of the university strives

    for efficiency and democracy. His plan is to eliminate

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唉  果然四年是很可怕的

去年底特考時  就已經被衝擊到了

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上禮拜 接到Ann的電話


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想說體驗而已   在奇摩寫寫就好了

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其實 想寫寫東西  已經有一段時間了

可以讓自己有個平台  分享生活中的趣事

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